Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Erichi Radio Presents: The Agaton Group Photos!

Hello, listeners! Gong Xi Fa Cai! ♥
It's February folks and our radio is starting out with some requests of "Agaton Group Photos" last Third podcast. We are really sorry for our delay of our fourth podcast because it was three and a half days late. That's why I giving your requests as our token to ease your patinece with us.
So, we gladly give this photos to you, our "Agaton Group Photos"! Courtesy of ©eccPabellon Photography, of course (DeeJay Erichi's Photography).

Deejay Lexie and Deejay Denise set up the mood. Well, Deejay Lexie and Deejay Denise insisted Deejay Erichi to take some shots while they are energized in the group photoshoot. 

Full body photographs of the Deejays while they are in their pajamas, blazers, jackets, umbrellas and raincoats! It's really makes us prepared in any situation, we are ready in any forms of emergencies in case.

Next are their half body photographs doing derp and look up pose. Never mind the weather,a s long as we are together ♥

Stolen shot when DeeJay Erichi Sets up thy camera. Yep. noticed that some deejays are ready, and some were not. Deejay Erichi laughs hardly at them so bad that they altogether laughed when they see this picture.

And, our group photos! As you can see, DeeJay Erichi was now there (because she was the one who photographed the other Deejays), smiling at the camera. Smile, guys!

That's it for today guys! If you want to listen to our fourth podcast, just go to this link:
Ciao, guys! And remember: God is good all the time! ♥

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