Friday, March 14, 2014

The Joyride Resurrection Season 1 Episode 1 (March 13, 2014)

The Joyride Resurrection S01E01

The Joyride  Resurrection Season 1 Episode 1 (March 13, 2014) is out! Be sure to check out The Erichi Radio Official on Facebook for more updates. This is Kuya Joe's podcast segment, associated with The Erichi Radio. Our new segment, "Dear Kuya Joe: The Erichi Radio's Confessions" is on The Joyride 180 with Joe! Don't be confused, minna-tachi! The Joyride 180 is the new segment of The Erichi Radio, containing CCM (Christian Contemporary Music) and Dear Kuya Joe, The Erichi Radio's Confessions. So, enjoy, everyone and God bless you! ☺

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